Literary editorial illustrations are dedicated to favorite writers.
The collages convey different meanings and emotions from the authors.
The first collage shows variety of Gogol's stories.
You can feel his mystery, his closer look on the society.
Even on the nose...

This collage is dedicated to the unity of Ilf and Petrov.
The premier authors who managed to encapsulate the harsh realities of the 1920s in the USSR through the prism of humor and irony.
Nikolai Gogol is watching the relay of humor and
observation passed on.

P. G. Wodehouse and his inimitable feelings of the London's society.
Sometimes there is a sense of a working time machine in his books...
The collage shows the smooth flow of the author's gaze into the gaze of his main character.
Inimitable Jeeves.
Inimitable Sir Pelham Grenville

The collage is dedicated to Sergei Dovlatov.
The one suitcase can convey the whole story of a Russian journalist.
The famous crossroad is a symbol of his life.
An expat in New York,
he was one of the best Russian authors
who could write honestly about morals in the USSR.
Natalia Titova